What are the benefits of TouchPro Certification?
Credibility—Only TouchPro Certified Practitioners can display the TouchPro name and logo identifying them as specialists in chair massage. “TouchPro” means quality and integrity.
Jobs—TouchPro Certified Practitioners are featured on our Registry page and able to be seen by local and regional companies looking for reliable chair massage practitioners
Networking—Chair Massage often means working with other practitioners. When you network with other Certified TouchPro Practitioners you are assured of a consistent, high-quality service and professional approach to the job.
Information—Practitioners are able to enter exclusive password protected areas on the website that give them access to our complete archives of newsletter information and articles along with other support resources.
What is the difference between the Certificate of Attendance I receive at the seminar and TouchPro Certification?
Everyone who completes the Technique or the Marketing seminars receives a Certificate of Attendance at the end of class. This is to verify those hours for any continuing education requirements you may have, including requirements for the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork.
TouchPro Certification, on the other hand, is a private credential issued by touchpro Institute. It is a so-called “brand name” certification, similar to Trager®, Feldenkrais®, Rolfing®, Polarity® and many others in our industry. TouchPro Certification indicates that a practitioner has had specialty training in chair massage and rises to a high standard of excellence. Certified Practitioners have the right to use the TouchPro name and logo in their marketing.
I’ve heard that your certification is good for only a year. Is that true?
To keep their TouchPro certification credential current, practitioners must pay an annual $45 fee. This permits certified practitioners to use the TouchPro name and logo and to be listed in the TouchPro Registry.
Would it be possible to complete the 100 documented massages over a longer period than just four months?
The four month criteria is a guideline of what we think is the best time frame for moving the intensive amount of information you learn in the seminar from your short-term memory to long-term memory. If you do not practice immediately after the seminar and regularly in the following weeks, you will lose much of what you learn. However, that being said, as long as you can pass the tutorial for certification, you can take as long as you need.
If I let my certification lapse, can I later get recertified?
To become recertified you must either retake and pass another tutorial with a TouchPro Trainer ($75) or retake the Technique Seminars ($230)
Does TouchPro have a continuing education requirement for maintaining certification?
At the present time, TouchPro USA/Canada does not. However, as we grow and create local trainers, we will be developing annual CE requirements similar to those currently required by TouchPro UK .