In Nepal most girls are married at a young age and have few opportunities to improve the quality of their lives. Story Massage is one important way.
The reach of positive touch never ceases to amaze me. All it takes are some bold and visionary advocates, in this case from the folks at Story Massage UK working in Nepal. Read about this totally innovative program that empowers young women using structured touch for interpersonal skills development, confidence building and self-discovery.
“Central to our work is the principle of respectful touch, and this is especially important for Nepalese girls living in a society where men traditionally hold the power. They were taught to ask permission before touching another girl, and to say ‘thank you’ at the end of the story massage. We also discussed using hand signals to offer feedback if the touch is too soft, or too firm – if it felt really good or if they they like it to stop. The girls were intrigued by these signs and chose to spend time practising and remembering them.”
We wanted to thank you for giving such a glowing report of our work. It is much appreciated – and we wonder if we could use this quote in our publicity. And if so, how and to whom should we attribute the words. We are trying hard to spread the power of positive touch for children – and such endorsements are always so valuable.
Warm wishes,
Mary and Sandra
Please feel free to quote me and, if you think of other ways I can support you, don’t hesitate to let me know. I will be speaking in London on June 12th about The Future of Professional Touch and will definitely use your work as an example of what should be taught in massage schools. My belief is that the future is not just in selling touch services, but in selling touch trainings to non-professionals.
Thank you David. Exactly! We want to see everyone gaining from positive and respectful touch. Would it be possible to meet you and attend the evening seminar on 12th June? Mary