TouchPro International logo sheet

Your TouchPro Practitioner Certification and annual fee allows you to use the TouchPro logo within the following guidelines:

  • You may use the words “TouchPro” to describe yourself as a practitioner or the chair massage work you offer, i.e. “TouchPro Practitioner,” “TouchPro Chair Massage,” or “TouchPro Chair Massage Practitioner.”
  • The first time you use the term “TouchPro” in a business card, brochure, website or other marketing piece, include the trademark symbol in the upper right corner of the word, as in TouchProTM. Alternately, you can put this statements somewhere in your material and leave out the symbol: “The TouchPro name and logo are registered trademarks of TouchPro Institute.”
  • You may use the word “Certified” either before or after the word “TouchPro.”
  • You may use the logo on business cards, stationery, brochures, internet advertising or other marketing materials.
  • You may not use the logo or the name “TouchPro” on other products such as clothes, books, or videos without prior written permission.
  • You may not alter the logo in any way.
  • You may not use the logo or TouchPro name as part of your business logo or name.
  • You may use “touchpro” as a keyword for internet searches for your website or social media pages.

To download into your files, place your cursor over the image, right click your mouse and choose “Save image as”, create a title i.e., TouchPro logo_small and save to the file where you would like to keep it.



TouchPro International Logo