The 2015 World Massage Festival is a lively event that will educate you about the latest in the field of professional massage with distinguished teachers who will share their knowledge and expertise to advance and hone your skills. Come meet and network with Massage Therapy Hall of Fame Members (including, of course, David Palmer) and people from across the country as they gather to help build bridges in the massage community.
David Palmer will be teaching 1 course during the Festival. David’s bio.
Workshop Title: Cutting Edge Chair Massage
Date & Times: Wednesday, July 15, 2015
at 8:00am-12:00pm & 2pm-6pm
8 CE Contact Hours
Chair massage is the bridge for many people into the world of professional touch. However, it is also one of the best bridges for massage practitioners into a successful career. In this seminar participants will learn the TouchPro approach to marketing and delivering chair massage services. This approach is grounded in “openness” — an open heart, mind, and body and open business practices. Massage and business relationships are best based on trust and a structure that is safe and transparent from the first encounter to the last with each customer.
While chair massage is typically positioned as a way to get table clients or provide community service, this seminar takes the position that chair massage is a specialty. Class time will alternate between between hands-on work and marketing discussions making for a lively and engaging day.
Handouts will be provided for both portions. At least half the participants should have a massage chair, so bring a friend…
See the full Festival schedule.
Other Festival highlights include:
A diverse range of massage modalities and specialities as well as practical guidance sessions.
- Workshops focusing mainly on hands-on experience
- Admission to all entertainment and special programs at the Festival
- A certificate of participation for attending
- An opportunity to have fun and network freely with therapists from all over the country
- 3 – $500 cash prizes awarded
- 2 – scholarships awarded for next year’s Festival
- 51 – registrations awarded each year to contest winners
- A free collector’s edition copy of the Festival program, “The Bridge Builders” and
- Commemorative T-shirt for our 10th Anniversary
Dates: July 12-15, 2015
Blue Chip Casino, Hotel & Spa
777 Blue Chip Drive
Michigan City, IN 46360
Cost: $400 (Includes up to 24 CE hours of Hands-On workshops)
“I attended my first World Massage Festival in 2014 in Las Vegas. It was one of the best experiences I ever had. It was such a privilege to be in the company of so many esteemed colleagues. The workshops were top notch and there were plenty of networking opportunities and chances to make new friends. I highly recommend this Festival to other massage therapists. Looking forward to attending again!” – Robert Melchioris
For more information and to register please check out the 2015 World Massage Festival & Massage Therapy Hall of Fame site.